Soucie Law

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Results as a Personal
Injury Attorney

A 14 year old boy, injured on a power line, received a settlement of $72 million over his lifetime.
An $8 million jury verdict for a motorcyclist seriously injured by a drunk driver.
A man severely injured when his automobile is struck by a semi-truck and trailer at an intersection, recovered $2.8 million.
The family of a 39 year old man killed by a defective power pole recovered $5.9 million.A man severely injured when his automobile is struck by a semi-truck and trailer at an intersection recovered $2.8 million.
A woman, severely injured as a result of a natural gas explosion, recovered a substantial, but confidential, settlement.
A confidential, but substantial settlement was recovered for the family of a 24 year old man killed by electrocution.
Two families of victims killed in a natual gas explosion recovered substantial, confidential settlements.
A man severely injured in a natural gas explosion recovered a substantial, confidential settlement.
A woman who lost her bladder due to medical malpractice recovered $1,350,000.
The family of a 42 year old man who died when he raised a sailboat mast into a power line recovered $1,000,000.
A 14 year old boy who lost part of his leg to a power line recovered $700,000.
A jury awards of $472,000 to a woman injured in a car crash, $606,000 to another car crash victim, and $500,000 to the family of a man who was killed by a driver who crossed the centerline on a snowy road.
The electrocution death of a 36 year old man resulted in a $2,159,000 jury award for his family.
A confidential settlement was obtained for a young man struck by a newspaper delivery vehicle while he was riding his bicycle to work.
We have handled many other cases where we have made significant recoveries for victims and their families, providing the support they deserve as they try to put their lives back together.
A 14 year old boy, injured on a power line, received a settlement of $72 million over his lifetime.
An $8 million jury verdict for a motorcyclist seriously injured by a drunk driver.
A man severely injured when his automobile is struck by a semi-truck and trailer at an intersection, recovered $2.8 million.
The family of a 39 year old man killed by a defective power pole recovered $5.9 million.A man severely injured when his automobile is struck by a semi-truck and trailer at an intersection recovered $2.8 million.
A woman, severely injured as a result of a natural gas explosion, recovered a substantial, but confidential, settlement.
A confidential, but substantial settlement was recovered for the family of a 24 year old man killed by electrocution.
Two families of victims killed in a natual gas explosion recovered substantial, confidential settlements.
A man severely injured in a natural gas explosion recovered a substantial, confidential settlement.
A woman who lost her bladder due to medical malpractice recovered $1,350,000.
The family of a 42 year old man who died when he raised a sailboat mast into a power line recovered $1,000,000.
A 14 year old boy who lost part of his leg to a power line recovered $700,000.
A jury awards of $472,000 to a woman injured in a car crash, $606,000 to another car crash victim, and $500,000 to the family of a man who was killed by a driver who crossed the centerline on a snowy road.
The electrocution death of a 36 year old man resulted in a $2,159,000 jury award for his family.
A confidential settlement was obtained for a young man struck by a newspaper delivery vehicle while he was riding his bicycle to work.
We have handled many other cases where we have made significant recoveries for victims and their families, providing the support they deserve as they try to put their lives back together.

What Former Clients Say

"One of the first things I asked when I finally woke up was, 'Was it my fault?' This terrible thing happened and Fred proved I wasn't at fault. I can't tell you what a relief that was to know that and to have someone taking care of the stuff like the billing and the insurance companies and the hospital when this happened. Fred really went the extra mile to prove our case."

– Mary F

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Do I Have A Case?

Contact Soucie Law today:

(763) 427-8888
(800) 499-2394 (toll-free)

Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

All of our initial consultations are free of charge, and there is never a fee for our services unless we make a recovery for you.


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