We Can Help | Accidents
Farm Accidents
According to the National Safety Council, agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in the United States. Each year farm accidents claim the lives of 200-300 children and cause thousands of injuries. Almost half of the accidents involve farm machinery. Dangerous chemical and pesticide exposure, faulty equipment or hazardous areas including silos, grain bins and wells can also cause injury. Injuries can include traumatic amputation, fractures, head injuries, asphyxiation, exposure to toxic levels of herbicides, pesticides and chemicals, and more.
If You've Been Injured On A Farm
In a 2005 survey, serious injury occurred at one out of five farms in Minnesota – a total of 13,000-14,000 farms. Farming fatalities are only second to mining in numbers. Although safety standards are required for farms and their machinery and equipment, many factors can contribute to the accidents that take place every day on farms.
To learn how to keep children safe on the farm, read this article from the University of Minnesota Extension Service. To read various publications on farm safety published by the University of Minnesota Extension Service visit www.extension.umn.edu.
Soucie Law Can Help You Move Forward
One of the things you need most when dealing with the aftermath of an injury or death caused by a farm accident is legal help. We will help you understand the process, and help you find the best possible legal representation so you can move forward.
If you would like to talk to someone at Soucie Law right away, call (763) 427-8888. After business hours, our answering service will relay your message to the on-call attorney immediately. |