Soucie Law

We Can Help | Accidents
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning &
Smoke Inhalation Accidents

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a tasteless, colorless, odorless toxic gas that kills. It is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States. It is produced when there is an incomplete combustion of gas, oil, coal and wood when used in engines, boilers, gas fires, water heaters, solid fuel appliances (generators) and open fires. The largest numbers of fatalities are a result of the accumulation of dangerous levels of CO due to poor ventilation, damaged appliances, poor maintenance and poor installation. CO robs oxygen from the two organs requiring higher levels of oxygen to function – the heart and the brain. Because people may not recognize the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, which may include headache, confusion, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, it is often lethal.

The primary cause of death in house fires and building fires is not burns – it is smoke inhalation, which is responsible for an estimated 50-80% of all deaths. Malfunctioning or defective smoke detectors are often found in fires where loss of property and life occurred.

To answer your questions about carbon monoxide safety, visit the Centers for Disease Control website. For fire prevention tips and information visit

Soucie Law Can Help You Move Forward

One of the things you need most when dealing with the aftermath of an accident is legal help. We will help you understand the process, and help you find the best possible legal representation so you can move forward and regain your life.

If you would like to talk to someone at Soucie Law right away, call (763) 427-8888. After business hours, our answering service will relay your message to the on-call attorney immediately.

Results as a Personal
Injury Attorney

What Former Clients Say

"One of the first things I asked when I finally woke up was, 'Was it my fault?' This terrible thing happened and Fred proved I wasn't at fault. I can't tell you what a relief that was to know that and to have someone taking care of the stuff like the billing and the insurance companies and the hospital when this happened. Fred really went the extra mile to prove our case."

– Mary F

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