We Can Help | Accidents
Work-Related Accidents
Employers have a responsibility to keep their employees safe at work, but that doesn't always happen. According to the United States Department of Labor and Statistics, there were 5,703 work related fatalities in 2007 and tens of thousands of injuries. Although there are worker compensation benefits, just because you file a claim doesn't mean they will grant you benefits. You may need a good attorney.
If You've Been Injured On The Job
If you've been injured at work, it is important to notify your employer immediately. Get the names of anybody who witnessed the accident, take photographs (if you are able) of the accident site and your injuries, find out who the worker compensation insurance company is and contact an attorney. Beyond worker compensation, a lawsuit may also be filed if negligence by your employer is a factor. If you were injured while working at sea on a cruise line, barge, fishing boat or the like, you may also be entitled to compensation under the Jones Act if it is found your employer was negligent.
The responsibilities of employers to provide a safe workplace are clearly outlined by the Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at:
Soucie Law Can Help You Move Forward
One of the things you need most when dealing with the aftermath of a work-related accident is legal help. We will help you understand the process, and help you find the best possible legal representation so you can move forward and regain your life.
If you would like to talk to someone at Soucie Law right away, call (763) 427-8888. After business hours, our answering service will relay your message to the on-call attorney immediately. |